Monday, June 18, 2012

How to treat and remove your acne

Are you worrying about your face looking unclean with all those pimples and blackheads?

Then you should hear the tips right just for you.

But first, you should get acquainted with your problem.
Lets begin.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions experienced by people of all ages, genders, and races, yet it is also one of the hardest for many people to treat.  The problem is not that there are no effective treatments for the condition, but that there are so many rumored and ineffective treatments on the market and in the world that it can be hard to know what will truly work.  This book is designed to help you gain a better understanding of acne and its treatment.

In the pages that follow, you will learn exactly what acne is as well as how it is caused.  More importantly, however, you will learn the truth about various acne treatments.  We will tell you which home remedies, holistic methods, products, and prescriptions are most effective as well as which ones are ineffective or will make the condition worse.  We will also discuss the role of diet and other elements on the development and treatment of acne.The goal of this book is to provide you with a total treatment guide for your acne.  I understand how embarrassing and frustrating this condition can be, and spent many years trying every remedy available, including tips given to me by friends, family members, doctors, and strangers.  The result of all of my effort is this book, and it is my hope that you can use it to save yourself the frustration and disappointment that comes with trying remedies that simply do not work.  So, without further ado, I present you with your guide to total acne treatment.

What Is Acne and What Causes It?

While we tend to think of acne solely as the term for the red pimples that typically first start presenting themselves in our early teenage years, the name is actually a scientific term that describes a number of skin issues.  Acne is the term that refers not only to pimples, but to blackheads, whiteheads, and other nodules and blemishes on the skin.  While acne is most commonly seen on the face, it can also occur on the shoulders, back, neck, buttocks, or chest. What we commonly refer to as a pimple is actually a whitehead that has ruptured. 

Why and How Does Acne Develop?

Throughout the years, many explanations have been offered for why people develop acne.  Hormones, diet, temperament, and even behavior have been blamed for the condition.  While many of these causes have been proven to have little to no effect on the outbreak of acne, the cause is still somewhat of a mystery.  The most likely scenario is that a number of factors play into the condition.The most basic cause of acne is the overproduction of sebum, which is a waxy substance that is responsible for lubricating the skin.  When too much sebum is produced, hair follicles become blocked as it mixes with dead skin cells, forming a sort of plug.  Blocked follicles have no way of releasing bacteria, which will grow inside them and cause blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or even cysts.While factors such as hormones and possibly diet work together in different ways depending on the individual to cause acne, treatment is a bit easier to figure out.  The ultimate goal of acne treatment is to lower the production of sebum.  There are a number of ways to achieve this, and the key to total acne treatment is a balanced skin care, diet, and health regimen.

Diet and Acne- Facts, Myths, and Sorting Through What You Have Been Told

If, like me, you have suffered from severe acne for any period of time, you have likely been offered a great deal of advice(both wanted and unwanted) regarding what to eat, what not to eat, and how your diet is ruining your skin.  For many years it was believed that eating foods such as French fries and chocolate was a sure sign that you would develop acne, we now know better.  While a healthy diet is always a very wise decision, you can certainly relax knowing that the occasional fried meal or chocolate bar will not result in waking up with a face full of pimples.So, what role does diet play in the development of acne?  The truth is that researchers don’t really seem to agree on this.  Studies performed in countries where diets are low-fat and high in carbohydrates do show a much lower rate of acne, but because there are many factors that are also relevant, this does not necessarily mean that fat is the cause of the condition.

What many scientists and doctors believe that these studies indicate, however, is that insulin production and glycemic index do correlate to the severity and likelihood of acne development.  In other words, a diet containing whole grains, vegetables, and high protein foods will lower insulin production and can help lessen the severity of acne significantly.

Whether the resulting decline in acne severity is linked to insulin, metabolism, or the fact that a proper diet helps to regulate hormone production, the overall message is the same.  A healthy diet is a very integral part of overall skin health.  By ensuring that you take in a diet consisting of plenty of protein and carbs with a low glycemic index, you can help ensure that your skin has a better chance of remaining or becoming free of acne.

In addition to avoiding foods that can contribute to the causes of acne, there are also certain foods that you can eat that can help act as preventatives for the condition.  Diet alone is not enough to prevent or cure acne, but it can play a significant role.  Keep in mind that there is no singular solution to the problem, but rather a number of things that you must do in order to provide your skin with complete care.

One important vitamin when it comes to acne prevention is vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene.  Beta carotene is naturally found in orange vegetables such as pumpkins and carrots as well as in cantaloupe.  In addition to helping to reduce sebum production, beta carotene can also help strengthen the skin’s protective tissue and mucus membranes.  It is also a very powerful antioxidant that can help eliminate toxins from the body and provide numerous health benefits.

Eating foods rich in zinc can also provide many benefits when it comes to preventing acne.  Zinc is a necessary part of your skin’s oil production system, and without enough of it your body will not be able to properly regulate the production of sebum.  Zinc’s natural antibacterial properties can also help prevent bacterial growth in pores that become clogged, greatly reducing the severity of acne.

Vitamins- Do They Help And Should You Take Them?

As many acne sufferers can attest, people will both tell and sell you anything, promising that it will cause acne.  In fact, there are numerous herbal and vitamin supplements that make all sorts of various claims regarding the treatment and prevention of acne.  As virtually everyone who has tried these products can attest, however, they are largely useless.  While vitamins can offer a number of health benefits, very few play a role in acne.  With that said, however, there are certainly a few supplements that should be integrated into your daily acne prevention regimen.

As mentioned in the chapter on foods, zinc is an excellent tool in helping to treat and prevent acne.  Unfortunately, however, many of us do not get enough zinc in our diets.  A great way to ensure that you get the best benefit is to integrate a zinc supplement into your diet.  Taking 30-50 milligrams of zinc daily will offer enough of the nutrient to help repair damaged skin and reduce inflammation.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is another vitamin that most people do not ingest enough of in their daily diet.  Vitamin A is an excellent tool for reducing sebum production and a supplement containing the vitamin can be an excellent choice.  With that said, however, ait is important to note that taking vitamin A in large doses can cause fatigue, headaches, and other side effects.  Because of this it should be taken as part of a multivitamin or in smaller doses throughout the day.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is especially helpful in cases of acne where hormones play a role.  This vitamin is well renowned for its ability to help the body regulate and metabolize hormones.  Because of this it can be quite helpful in eliminating as well as preventing acne.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an excellent supplement that has antioxidant properties.  It can help cleanse the skin and eliminate toxins.  There are numerous benefits to the skin and to the body as a whole that are provided by antioxidants, making this another excellent choice.

Chromium is a nutrient that is used by the body to help break down glucose.  Some studies indicate that high glucose and insulin levels may play a large role in some acne cases.  Adding a chromium supplement to your acne regimen can help to lower your glucose levels and may be able to offer a mild to significant reduction in acne production and severity.  Another benefit of chromium supplements is that they can help to heal the damage caused by pimples as well as minor skin infections.

Multivitamins may well be your best choice when it comes to acne prevention.  Many complete multivitamins contain all or most of the ingredients listed above in their recommended doses.  Before selecting a multivitamin, take the time to ensure that all of these ingredients are included or pick up any supplements that are needed in addition to what is in the vitamin.  Keep in mind that multivitamins will also offer a number of nutrients that can provide other health benefits as well, making them an excellent overall choice for the treatment of your acne.

Face Washing

Washing your face properly is important in both treating and preventing acne.  Many people believe that proper washing means purchasing the strongest products on the market as well as scrubbing the skin as hard as possible.  This is simply not true.  In fact, it is actually one of the worst things that you can do for your skin.  A proper skin washing regimen for acne only requires that you wash your face twice a day, yet it can be highly effective.
When looking for the right product for washing your face or other acne riddled areas, it is important to choose a product designed to help treat acne.  A proper acne wash will typically be sulfur based.  You will find that you only need to use it twice a day, washing your skin first thing in the morning and then again just before you go to bed.  This will help to keep your pores clean without irritating the skin.

One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen when it comes to washing the skin is scrubbing.  When you scrub your skin or wash it using a loofah or rough cloth, you are actually serving to irritate and inflame it.  These materials can also create microscopic tears in the skin, which serve to invite infection and can certainly make acne much more serious and noticeable.
Instead of scrubbing, was very gently with acne soap.  Wash the skin as gently as possible, taking your time and making certain that you are not rubbing too hard.  This will help ensure that you are not irritating the skin and making the condition worse.

Another excellent product for washing the skin is an acne soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.  This is an effective ingredient in treating acne that works by slightly drying the skin, preventing pores from clogging.  It is important, however, to use lower doses of the ingredient, such as 2.5% solutions, as higher numbers can actually cause more skin damage.  If you are using a benzoyl peroxide wash, it is also not recommended to also use other products with the same ingredient.  Two applications of benzoyl peroxide daily, whether via cream or soap is all that is recommended.

Other General Cosmetic Treatments

While washing the face and carefully choosing cosmetics is important, there is still more you can do for your skin.  Before closing this chapter, I would like to take a look at some of the different acne creams and gels that are available over the counter.  I would also like to explain a bit about the importance of really considering every product that touches your skin when looking to treat acne and its effects.

Over the Counter Treatments

When looking at different acne creams and gels, you will find that while there are many brand names, most products contain either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.  As mentioned earlier in this chapter, benzoyl peroxide is the optimal over the counter ingredient for treating acne.  Choose a mixture that contains 2.5% benzoyl peroxide for best results.  While mixtures containing 5% or 10% may sound like they will be more effective, the truth is that their drying effects are too strong and they can actually cause more damage than they prevent.

When applying a benzoyl peroxide cream or gel, it is very important to really take your time.  Allow yourself about ten minutes to apply the product, gently gliding it over the skin.  Don’t try to force the product to be absorbed.  Instead, allow it to penetrate the skin slowly and naturally.  The force of rubbing or scrubbing can damage and inflame the skin, which will prove quite counterproductive.  You will find that you can use these gels frequently for severe acne without side effects, while using higher doses of benzoyl peroxide could have severe effects on the skin.

Other Holistic and Natural Treatments

Juice Cleanses

While not associated with a particular form of medicinal practice, juice cleanses are still considered a holistic and nontraditional form of treatment.  With that said, however, there is certainly significant evidence that toxins and accumulated hormones within the body contribute greatly to acne.  Drinking a mixture of 3 parts carrot juice, 2 parts water, and 1 part beet juice can help to cleanse the digestive system, eliminating toxins that build up in the liver and kidneys as well as elsewhere in the body.

Natural Face Washes

For acne sufferers interested in using natural and homeopathic treatments, there is often strong interest in using only organic products even when it comes to face washes.  In addition to ensuring that all herbs and juices that you use are organically grown, it is also possible to create your own face washes and masks.  This allows you to fully control ever ingredient that touches your skin and can also provide a great deal of fun for those who enjoy working with their hands.

Honey Masks

When looking for an excellent mask that can effectively treat acne, it is recommended by many experts that you use a honey mask aonce to twice a week.  Honey has strong antibacterial properties and is also excellent for healing minor blemishes and disinfecting the skin.  Applying a mask of honey twice weekly and allowing it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes before gently rinsing with warm water can have remarkable effects when it comes to treating your acne.

Chickpea Paste Cleanser

For an excellent daily cleanser, you can use a mixture of organic chickpea flour and water.  Simply add just enough water to a tablespoon of the flour to create a paste that is not too watery but is thin enough to spread onto the skin.  Gently wash your face with the paste using your hands and then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

Almond Powder Mask

For added benefit, you can follow up the chickpea paste cleanser with a mask made of a cup of goat’s milk and a teaspoon of almond powder.  Mix the ingredients together well and then apply gently to the skin.  Allow the paste to sit on the skin for a few minutes, or until it starts to dry and them gently wash it away.

You Should Call Your Doctor If…..

Three months of following this regimen without adding in unnecessary products or skipping steps does not provide the results you are looking for or makes no change in your acne.If your nose and cheek area is abnormally red or appears to be flushed.  This could be a sign of a condition known as rosacea.If your acne is causing significant pain and/or scarring.  There may be an underlying cause or a more aggressive treatment may be needed.If your acne suddenly becomes worse or is accompanied by a sudden fever.  This can be a sign of a serious infection within the skin and should always be evaluated and treated immediately.